




Nanjing is the birthplace of marathon in the country. It was people from Jiangsu who first translated the race as “ma-la-song” in Chinese, and the first marathon in the People’s Republic of China was also held in the city. 


Students from Jinling Institute of Technology (JIT) has opened an exhibition dedicated to the city’s rich heritage related to China’s marathon development.

The exhibition features a large number of historical documents, objects, and graphic displays to illustrate the history of the long-distance run in Jiangsu over the past 100 years.






Luan Chuan, a member of the China Writers Association, has long been engaged in the study of Jiangsu's sports history and has collected abundant information and items related to marathon in the province. He said the first marathon in China was held during the Nanyang Industrial Exposition in 1910 in today's Gulou District, Nanjing, which was the first world exposition organized by Chinese people.



The race took place from November 18 to November 20. Twelve participants started from Jinshan Temple in Zhenjiang, with the finish line at the Memorial Tower of the Nanyang Industrial Exposition, located at the current sports field of Southeast University Dingjiaqiao Campus. It attracted extensive media attention at that time, in the late Qing Dynasty.




In addition to this historical bond, Nanjing is also the sister-city of Marathon, Greece, which inspired the modern marathon race.



“这是一本由苏州人、南京高等师范学校毕业生施仁夫翻译的《教学观察法》,1923年由上海中华书局出版。”栾川介绍说,《教学观察法》中将“Marathon Race”翻译成“马拉松大竞赛”,这是迄今为止在中文书刊中能找到的最早的“马拉松”标准名称,也可以说是江苏人第一个将“Marathon”翻译为“马拉松”。



After the founding of the People's Republic of China in 1949, marathon running flourished in the coastal province. The exhibition highlights the November 24, 1957 issue of the Xinhua Daily, which reported on the country’s first marathon race in Nanjing.

“昨天,南京市运动员夏启宇,以两小时五十二分四十秒时间,跑完四十二公里一百九十五公尺,获得1957年江苏省马拉松赛跑第一名,创造了江苏马拉松纪录……”这张1957年11月25日《新华日报》已泛黄,一则消息《解放后首次马拉松长跑赛昨日举行 夏启宇创马拉松正式记录》,清晰完整介绍了这场载入体育史册的比赛。



Luan said that 17 runners participated in the race that followed the internationally recognized distance of 42.195 kilometers. Doctor Xia Qiyu from Nanjing won first place, workers Zhou Degui from Changshu and Wang Zuoyou from Xuzhou won second and third place, respectively, while soldier Ding Yimei from the Jiangsu Provincial Military District secured fourth place.



In organizing the exhibition, volunteers from JIT and Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (NUAA) Jincheng College, as well as local media, worked together to successfully find Xia, Zhou and Ding. They unveiled the exhibition and provided their marathon certificates, commendations, athlete certificates, newspapers clippings, and precious old photos for the exhibition, providing a great opportunity to explore the history of marathon running.



Xia, Zhou and Ding were 28, 23 and 22 years old, respectively, when participating the marathon, and are all in their eighties or nineties today. However, they remain healthy and spirited, according to Chuan. These runners have demonstrated their courage, determination and vitality, becoming models for marathon enthusiasts. He added with some regret that the third-place finisher, Wang from Xuzhou, has not yet been found.




In the exhibition, students also display their cultural and creative products featuring elements of Jiangsu's marathon legacy. The designs include bolsters, cups, mouse pads, coasters, wristlets, refrigerator magnets, postcards, and phone cases.


“水流万里有源,树高千尺有根。中国马拉松运动,源头在南京……”这是由栾川作词、陈晓菡作曲的 《“中国马拉松发祥地”之歌》。栾川说,就像这首歌唱的那样,他们发出诚挚邀请,“热爱马拉松的人,请你来南京寻根”。

Furthermore, the exhibition’s background music is the song "The Birthplace of China's Marathon," with lyrics by Luan and music by Chen Xiaohan. Luan said, just like the song sings, Nanjing welcomes marathon enthusiasts to trace the roots of the race.
