
双语深圳|Foreign investors see promise in Shenzhong Link




The Shenzhen-Zhongshan Link officially opened for trial operation June 30.  With Zhongshan, Foshan, Zhuhai, and Jiangmen joining the Shenzhen one-hour economic circle, a more open, coordinated, and accessible international bay area is emerging. Shenzhen Daily reporters interviewed executives of foreign enterprises and an internet influencer to discuss the opportunities brought about by the Shenzhong Link.


Link to unleash vast investment opportunities


Ray Wu, managing director of Savills Shenzhen. 


The Shenzhong Link that opened to traffic June 30 will unleash significant investment opportunities, while boosting overall regional traffic efficiency and fostering the integrated development of city clusters in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area (GBA), according to Ray Wu, managing director of Savills Shenzhen.


“The most immediate benefit is the dramatic reduction in travel time between Shenzhen and Zhongshan from the previous two hours to just 30 minutes, brining the ‘half-hour living circle’ of the GBA to reality,” Wu said.

“最直观的利好就是将深圳和中山两地的车程从过去的2小时缩短到30分钟,使深圳、中山和广州三地真正进入‘大湾区半小时生活圈’。” 吴睿说。

Moreover, the Shenzhong Link’s opening will facilitate the flow of personnel and the more efficient allocation of resources, which will help expand Shenzhen’s high-tech industries to neighboring cities. This expansion of development space for Shenzhen firms will strengthen economic ties and cooperation between Shenzhen and other GBA cities, such as Zhongshan and Jiangmen, according to Wu.


Wu said that the Shenzhong Link’s opening will undoubtedly present abundant investment opportunities for investors. The value of land and industrial space in Zhongshan and its surrounding areas will continue to rise in the real estate market.


He said that the prices of industrial land and industrial parks in Zhongshan have remained comparatively affordable. The opening of the Shenzhong Link presents prospects for the appreciation of these assets’ value, especially for industrial parks with separate land.


Shenzhong Link boosts GBA integration: DHL SZ Port director


Yang Mei, director of DHL Shenzhen Port. 


The seamless integration of economic activities in the GBA, together with an increased ability of GBA firms to expand internationally after the Shenzhong Link opens later this month, are two of the main reasons that DHL has increased investment in Shenzhen, according to Yang Mei, director of DHL Shenzhen Port.


The Shenzhong Link is expected to significantly improve the flow of people and cargo between the cities on the two sides of the estuary and foster industrial synergies in the GBA, effectively empowering companies to explore overseas markets, according to Yang. “Notably, the Shenzhong Link’s launch promises to reduce costs and increase transportation efficiency between Shenzhen and Zhongshan, further integrating the route into DHL’s global network.” Yang stated.


Companies located in cities on the western side of the Shenzhong Link, such as Zhongshan, Zhuhai, and Jiangmen, will gain an alternative route for exporting cargo via Shenzhen, allowing them to move away from traditional export routes via Guangzhou or Hong Kong. “This enhanced routing flexibility will benefit companies in the Greater Bay Area.” Yang added.

深中通道的开通为位于珠江西岸的城市如中山、珠海和江门的企业提供了新的物流选择。这些企业现在不仅可以借助广州和香港进行国际输送,还能享受到DHL在深圳口岸提供的洲际货运航班服务。 “深中通道开通后,这种联动势必会提高我们自由组合的灵活度,为大湾区的客户提供更好的服务保障。”杨梅说道。

Primarily focusing on manufacturing and trade, these companies produce items like lamps and molds while companies in Shenzhen focus on high-end, tech-driven products. Yang also noted that these companies have had a limited demand for international express delivery services. However, the Shenzhong Link will open pathways for them to access overseas markets more efficiently, particularly in the context of the rapid growth of cross-border e-commerce.


Shenzhong Link ‘to increase Shenzhen speed, efficiency’


Expat blogger Jerry Grey. 网红博主杰瑞·格雷

Jerry Grey, a British-born Australian who has resided in Zhongshan for two decades, is preparing to use the newly inaugurated trans-city bus line to explore the state-of-the-art megastructure that spans the Pearl River Estuary and visit Shenzhen.

在中山居住了二十年的英国籍澳大利亚人杰瑞·格雷(Jerry Grey)计划乘坐新开通的跨市公交,亲眼看一眼这项横跨珠江口的大工程,并顺道游览深圳。

“After the Shenzhong Link opens to traffic,that will be drastically reduced. It’s about 20 minutes from where I live to the bridge, and then it is 30 minutes across the bridge, so I’ll be in Shenzhen within an hour, which is incredibly quick.” said Grey, a former British police officer.


From a business perspective, Grey anticipates that the opening of the Zhongshan Link will further boost the speed and efficiency for which Shenzhen is renowned. “There’re quite a lot of designers and developers in Shenzhen and manufacturers here in Zhongshan. So if somebody comes up with a great design in Shenzhen and then gets it manufactured here, the time for delivery of their prototypes will be short. It’s going to speed things up.” he said.


Envisioning a ripple effect on the economy, Grey predicted that the new link will amplify the famed “Shenzhen Speed,” potentially bolstering the economy by facilitating more efficient operations. “They talk about the ‘Shenzhen Speed,’ and everything goes at a very rapid pace in Shenzhen. But this will actually increase that speed, and I hope that would contribute to the economy by making things faster and more efficient.”


Grey said that he was awed by the massive size of the Humen Bridge when he went across it for the first time not long after its opening in 1997, as well as the eye-catching designs of several bridges in Hunan and Chongqing.

1997 年虎门大桥通车后不久,格雷曾坐车穿过这座大桥,他坦言自己当时被虎门大桥之大所震撼。他也提到,曾在湖南和重庆等地,见过一些设计非常引人注目的大桥。

Commending China’s infrastructure and the benefits it provides to the people, Grey said that China has established a robust internal economy based on its intricate transportation network of highways, ports, bridges, and railways.


“Without bridges there would be no development. I always say that I describe the express delivery system as the lifeblood of China’s internal economy.” he said.

