



每当王深上班经过北京繁华的金融街时,她都会瞥见妙应寺的白塔。尽管近在咫尺,她却从未踏入其中。最终吸引她进入妙应寺的 ,是一场在寺内举办的名为“古老的回答”的音乐会。王深告诉CGTN,那天妙应寺的红墙黄瓦在阳光下闪耀,金色的银杏叶和葱郁浓绿的松柏相映成辉,白塔散发着庄严而神秘的气息;当蒙古族摇滚乐队“杭盖”在七佛宝殿前吟唱《白塔》《金秋》时,历史、音乐、自然完成了奇妙的融合。

Working as a mutual fund investment manager, Wang Shen frequently passes through Beijing's bustling Financial Street. Each time she is there, she catches a glimpse of the White Stupa from outside the Miaoying Temple. Despite its proximity, her hurried steps had never taken her inside. What finally drew her in was a concert held at the temple, titled "Ancient Answers."

In Wang's recollection of that day, the Miaoying Temple gleamed with a dignified and mysterious aura under the golden leaves. Its red walls and yellow tiles sparkled in the sunlight, while the surrounding pines and cypress trees deepened to a rich green in the autumn breeze. The songs "White Pagoda" and "Golden Autumn" blended seamlessly with the temple.

The ethnic Mongolian rock band, Hang Gai, was performing in front of the Yuan Dynasty building, which dates back 750 years. Wang told CGTN that the allure of the historic temple intensified the music-induced journey back in time to the heyday of that dynasty.

"As their voices soared, I looked up to the sky, where ravens flew by," Wang said. "I was moved to tears, as I felt that deep sense of spirituality – humanity's reverence for nature and the peace it brings."



“音乐是流动的建筑,建筑是凝固的音乐,” 中国著名建筑师、建筑历史学家,“现代中国建筑之父”梁思成的这个描述生动诠释了音乐与建筑的关系。人类在将音乐与古建结合的道路上进行过诸多尝试,其中不乏名声斐然的世界知名音乐会,如在古圆形斗兽场举行的意大利“维罗纳歌剧节”和法国的普罗旺斯-埃克斯国际艺术节。


Liang Sicheng, a renowned Chinese architect and architectural historian often referred to as the "father of modern Chinese architecture," once said, "Music is flowing architecture; architecture is frozen music." And his insight perfectly encapsulates the connection between music and architecture – a relationship humanity has long embraced.

"Space is a vessel," Yao told CGTN. "It is a silent storyteller brimming with history, echoing with the voices of those who once walked its halls, and teeming with tales yearning to be told to the world."

"Through the magic of music and the touch of artistic intervention, we breathe life into these timeless narratives, unveiling the secrets and emotions etched into the very walls," she added, her passion to celebrate architecture with art clearly visible.



"From the threads a mother's hand weaves, a gown for the parting son is made" – This was a line from one of Zhou's songs, which is a famous couplet from a thousand-year-old Tang Dynasty poem "Song of the Parting Son."

"Unforgettable and truly unique. I believe I will remember that day for years to come — piercing was the wind, yet warm was my heart," she wrote in her letter to the project's organizing committee.


Lyu Zhou, the director of the National Heritage Center at Tsinghua University and vice president of the International Council on Monuments and Sites (China), is a familiar face at such events. He is a recurrent presence not just as a guest giving talks, but also as an attendee enjoying the concerts.

"There should be no barriers between people and ancient architecture today, because it constitutes our living environment. Likewise, there should be no barriers between people and traditional music as it embodies the melody within our cultural DNA," he said.


“我的很多⾳乐是以即兴创作的形式表达的,会在现场随机选⽤⾃⼰平时积累的词句,那天在表演⼀个作品时,⻛吹散了乐谱上的词谱,⼀张乐谱正好落在脚下,⽽呈现的词句正好和进⾏的乐句的合拍,并⼀直⾛完。那个场⾯带给我神启般的感动。” 宋松说,“古建筑⾃带的历史积淀对我的⾳乐再创作有很微妙的启发;让我有⼀种和历史对话,融⼊历史的感觉。”

"The relationship between music and the environment that hosts it is clearly interactive," Song said. "The historical richness inherent in ancient architecture subtly fuels my musical reinterpretations. It allows me to enter in a dialogue with history, to feel immersed in its narrative."

"This musical experience provides me with a clearer understanding of what my inner self longs to hear," Song said.

作为“遗产活化”的一次成功尝试,音乐季已经扩展到福建省泉州市,并计划今年晚些时候在云南省举行活动。“我们希望提供更多的机会让中国的艺术家走进老祖宗的瑰宝里创作和演出,同时也吸引更多全球的艺术家来中国的古建里交流,用音乐和艺术这样的无国界语言来讲中国故事,” 姚瑛说。
