








Inheritance and Innovation.


This term highlights the relationship between inheritance and innovation. All these ideas reflect a unity of opposites, stressing constant change in history and tradition, favoring innovation grounded in past experience and achievements, as well as avoiding either unquestioning adherence to convention or blind pursuit of novelty. Besides literary and artistic creation, the concept above is also applicable to academic research and even the governance of a country.


子曰:“殷因于夏礼,所损益,可知也;周因于殷礼,所损益,可知也。其或继周者,虽百世可知也。” (《论语•为政》)

Confucius said: “The Shang Dynasty inherited the Xia Dynasty’s codes of etiquette with abridgments and additions, which can be known. The Zhou Dynasty followed the Shang’s codes of etiquette with abridgments and additions, which can also be known. Therefore, if there should be a successor to the Zhou Dynasty, even a hundred generations from now, its codes of etiquette could be foretold.” (The Analects)


Go with the Times.


The notion of adjusting one’s actions to the “times” comes from The Book of Changes. The “times” refer to the opportunities or chances that present themselves as human activities progress. In the circumstances determined by the times, one should choose correspondingly suitable methods of handling affairs. The appearance and disappearance of opportunities and chances, and their impact on human affairs reflect the principles of the way of heaven and human affairs. People should recognize and keep pace with the change of the times and adapt in agreement with the times.



Either to decrease or to increase, to inflate or to deflate: all should go with the times. (The Book of Changes)


Laws Change Along with Evolving Times; Rites Shift Along with Changing Customs.


In the context of this term, “laws” refers to the administrative edicts of a ruler as well as institutions and laws. “Times” refers primarily to the prevailing social conditions. “Rites” mainly refer to a society’s moral norms and codes of conduct. In addition to social conventions and mores, “customs” also include popular sentiment. This expression means since everything is constantly changing and evolving, institutions, laws and rites must change correspondingly. It opposes being bound by tradition, favors innovation and change, and espouses the basic principle that a country’s governance should follow the times and respond to popular will. This is an example of the concept of “going with the times” contained in The Book of Changes, and it also resonates with the concept of “putting the people first” advocated by Confucianism.



Thus when a sage rules, laws change with the evolving times and rites shift along with changing customs. Clothes and instruments are made to suit their uses, laws and edicts are adopted to meet actual needs. (Wenzi)




The term refers to the fundamental state of the existence of things. Bian (变) and hua (化) may be used as one word or separately. Specifically, bian means manifest change, while hua indicates subtle and gradual change. Ancient Chinese thinkers generally held that all things under heaven and on earth, including humans and society, are all in a state of change. Only through constant change can they permanently exist and develop. Change is caused by constant clash and integration between the conflicting properties with which people and things are endowed. Some scholars believed that change follows a constant law and can thus be understood and grasped, while others maintained that change is unpredictable and therefore difficult to grasp. Buddhism, on the other hand, holds that changes of things are only superficial, and that all things are still and motionless.



The interaction between firmness and gentleness produces change. (The Book of Changes)


《中华思想文化术语(历史 哲学 文艺)》是国务院批准设立的“中华思想文化术语传播工程”的成果之一,以学生和教师等群体为读者对象,为其研读、理解和翻译中华思想文化相关内容提供准确权威、正本清源的参考。

