韩美林: 国家植物园Logo设计者的故事
【韩美林: #国家植物园#Logo设计者的故事】随着国家植物园在北京正式揭牌,其标志(Logo)也被广泛关注。国家植物园标志由艺术家@韩美林 设计创作,选择了最能代表中国的两种特有珍稀植物:银杏和水杉,图案搭配中国“CHINA”的首字母“C”形炫动笔触,包含了保护植物和生态生命理念;该标志的构造为环形,代表地球。韩美林曾创作或参与设计的作品早已家喻户晓,其中包括北京奥运会吉祥物“福娃”。他通过多次海外个展,将中国文化介绍给世界,也先后获颁联合国教科文组织“和平艺术家”与国际奥委会“顾拜旦奖”等。耄耋之年,勤奋依旧。一起了解韩美林的故事吧!China's first national botanical garden was officially inaugurated in Beijing on Monday. The logo was designed and created by Han Meilin. Let's learn more about the logo and the outstanding Chinese artist behind it. Ginkgo and metasequoia, two unique and rare plants that best represent China, have been selected for the logo of the National Botanical Garden. They are known as the world's oldest extant tree species, and the "living fossils" of the plant kingdom. The logo uses a balanced spiral line to form the main pattern. Outside the spiral structure is a "C" shaped stroke, which represents "China." The composition is circular, representing the Earth.