【#摩尔多瓦首都市长就接收乌克兰难民情况接受总台独家采访#】随着俄乌冲突不断升级,已经有上万名乌克兰难民涌入摩尔多瓦。摩尔多瓦首都基希讷乌市市长在接受总台独家采访时说,该市已接收超过17,000名难民,将充分保障每位难民的一日三餐、核酸检测及新冠疫苗接种服务。Tens of thousands of Ukrainian refugees have arrived in Moldova, a country on Ukraine's southern border, and 90 percent of them are now in the capital Chisinau. According to Chisinau Mayor Ion Ceban, there are more than 17,000 Ukrainian refugees registered in the city so far. Refugees will be provided with three meals a day as well as COVID-19 testing and vaccination services.