北京冬奥的颁奖花束美出圈了,竟然还是一项非遗! 媒体滚动 2022.01.0921:09 关注 还有不到一个月的时间,北京冬奥会就要来了。2021年12月31日晚,北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会颁奖元素正式发布了。2008年,北京奥运会“金镶玉”奖牌惊艳了世界;今年的冬奥会颁奖元素同样别出心裁。为了践行节俭、可持续的“绿色奥运”理念,今年的颁奖花束弃用了传统的鲜切花,采用手工绒线编结花束作为颁奖花束。一束看似简单的绒线花由红色玫瑰、粉色月季、白色铃兰和绣球、黄色月桂和桂花、绿色橄榄7种绒线花构成,凝结了冬奥花束制作团队的心血。The boutiques for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games awards ceremonies will be different from previous Olympics as they are made of wools.According to the Beijing 2022 organizing committee, wool bouquets will never wither and have the characteristic of low-carbon, which reflects the concept of a "green Olympics."The Olympic bouquet consists of seven different wool flowers including roses, lilies, osmanthus and green olives.励美丽是上海市级非遗“海派绒线编结技艺”传承人,也是这次花束编结项目的负责人之一,主要负责颁奖花束的设计、培训、质量把关和最终组装。2021年10月,当励美丽得知北京冬奥组委确定了绒线花方案时,悬在心中的大石才算落了地。她表示:“那是我圆梦的时刻。之前设计方案来来去去审核修改了4个多月,我差点以为没希望了。”对励美丽来言,这些花平时都编织过,但为了达到“奥运标准”,她给自己定了更高的标准。她表示:“现在市面上用来钩编的大多数是粗线,这种线钩编的速度很快,可是最终呈现的效果比较粗糙。慢工才能出细活,所以我选择了细线,钩出来的花束更加精致,也更加逼真。”Li Meili, an inheritor of a traditional Shanghai wool-knitting technique, still can remember the exciting moment in October 2021, when she learned the wool bouquet was chosen as the final plan for the award ceremony of the Olympic Games."At that time, I felt my dream had come true. Our design scheme had been reviewed by the organizing committee for more than four months. I once thought it was hopeless," said the 70-year-old Shanghai resident.Li began to learn the knitting technique in her fifties after retirement. The wool flowers she knitted once served the fourth China International Import Expo (CIIE) and the 10th China Flower Expo, receiving a warm welcome from the visitors.Li is quite familiar with all the kinds of flowers in the bouquet, but she has decided to be stricter with herself to meet the Olympic standards. "I chose thin wool. Though the speed of knitting will be slower, the bouquets will look more exquisite," she said. 还有不到一个月的时间,北京冬奥会就要来了。2021年12月31日晚,北京2022年冬奥会和冬残奥会颁奖元素正式发布了。2008年,北京奥运会“金镶玉”奖牌惊艳了世界;今年的冬奥会颁奖元素同样别出心裁。为了践行节俭、可持续的“绿色奥运”理念,今年的颁奖花束弃用了传统的鲜切花,采用手工绒线编结花束作为颁奖花束。一束看似简单的绒线花由红色玫瑰、粉色月季、白色铃兰和绣球、黄色月桂和桂花、绿色橄榄7种绒线花构成,凝结了冬奥花束制作团队的心血。The boutiques for the Beijing 2022 Winter Olympic Games awards ceremonies will be different from previous Olympics as they are made of wools.According to the Beijing 2022 organizing committee, wool bouquets will never wither and have the characteristic of low-carbon, which reflects the concept of a "green Olympics."The Olympic bouquet consists of seven different wool flowers including roses, lilies, osmanthus and green olives.励美丽是上海市级非遗“海派绒线编结技艺”传承人,也是这次花束编结项目的负责人之一,主要负责颁奖花束的设计、培训、质量把关和最终组装。2021年10月,当励美丽得知北京冬奥组委确定了绒线花方案时,悬在心中的大石才算落了地。她表示:“那是我圆梦的时刻。之前设计方案来来去去审核修改了4个多月,我差点以为没希望了。”对励美丽来言,这些花平时都编织过,但为了达到“奥运标准”,她给自己定了更高的标准。她表示:“现在市面上用来钩编的大多数是粗线,这种线钩编的速度很快,可是最终呈现的效果比较粗糙。慢工才能出细活,所以我选择了细线,钩出来的花束更加精致,也更加逼真。”Li Meili, an inheritor of a traditional Shanghai wool-knitting technique, still can remember the exciting moment in October 2021, when she learned the wool bouquet was chosen as the final plan for the award ceremony of the Olympic Games."At that time, I felt my dream had come true. Our design scheme had been reviewed by the organizing committee for more than four months. I once thought it was hopeless," said the 70-year-old Shanghai resident.Li began to learn the knitting technique in her fifties after retirement. The wool flowers she knitted once served the fourth China International Import Expo (CIIE) and the 10th China Flower Expo, receiving a warm welcome from the visitors.Li is quite familiar with all the kinds of flowers in the bouquet, but she has decided to be stricter with herself to meet the Olympic standards. "I chose thin wool. Though the speed of knitting will be slower, the bouquets will look more exquisite," she said. 北京冬奥会和冬残奥会颁奖共需要用花束1251束,累计花材共16731支。每支花材上有叶有花,均为纯手工制作。独一无二的背后,有着大量的人力和时间的投入。励美丽介绍:“编结一片玫瑰花瓣需要20分钟,一支玫瑰花由十片花瓣组成,加上3片叶子和花茎,仅一朵玫瑰,就需要一位编结师耗费至少5小时。并且这束花中花材各异,导致技法也不完全相同,所以完成这束精美的花束,需耗时长达35小时,制作所有花束耗时将接近5万小时。”A total of 1,251 bouquets are needed for the awards ceremonies of the Beijing Winter Olympics and Paralympics. Each flower was handmade, which requires plenty of time and manpower."It takes 20 minutes to weave a rose petal. A rose consists of ten petals, three leaves and one stem. A weaver needs to spend at least five hours on one rose," said Li. "Therefore, to complete making a bouquet will require 35 hours. All the bouquets will take nearly 50,000 hours to finish knitting."The Hengyuanxiang Group, a wool manufacturer based in Shanghai and one of the official sponsors of the Beijing Winter Olympics, recruited knitting groups in Beijing, Shanghai, Tianjin, Zhejiang and Jiangsu to join in the project, and Li is responsible for personnel training, quality control and final assembly of the bouquets.To ensure the consistency of the bouquets, each knitting group is only in charge of one or two kinds of flowers. "The original bouquet was thinner. I filled the redundant 'branches' into it to make it touch more comfortable," she said. 加载中... 视频 直播 美图 博客 看点 政务 搞笑 八卦 情感 旅游 佛学 众测