
【调研快报】广联达接待MUFG Securities等4家机构调研



原标题:【调研快报】广联达接待MUFG Securities等4家机构调研 来源:东方财富Choice数据

广联达2019年09月24日发布消息,2019年09月20日公司接待MUFG Securities等共4家机构调研,接待人员是董事会秘书助理朱娜娜,接待地点广联达二期大厦621会议室。




Q1: For construction cost business,what’s the revenue model difference when comparing License model and SaaS model?

A1: As the construction cost business is under SaaS transformation, the revenue model is also changing. In license model, the construction cost revenue mainly comes from new buyers and upgrade fee. In SaaS model, the construction cost revenue mainly comes from annual fee and value added services. Thus contract renewal rate is one of the key indicators for us to evaluate the SaaS business. By the end of 2018, the renewal rates of our pricing product in the six original regions exceeded 85%. Thank you



Q2: Does construction management business need to offer different products for different projects considering different projects have so many differences?

A2: Differences do exist among different projects, but we focus on key elements of most construction projects, which are material management, labor management, etc. We aim to help our customers to quicken their process, reduce their cost, manage their quality and safety requirement. Our construction management business provides different products for different purposes. In June 2019, we released new project management platform (BIM construction + smart construction site) to offer products in the way of “platform + modules”, so that clients can buy different modules based on their different needs. We hope this can help us to meet the needs of construction enterprises with different digitalization levels. Thank you.



Q3: How will Glodon improve the construction cost revenue after the SaaS transformation has finished?

A3: After SaaS transformation has been finished, we will release more value-added services such as stronger computing power and more storage, etc. So that clients can buy different value added services based on their needs. But now we are still focusing on making sure the SaaS transformation can be finished successfully. Thank you.

接待详细对象序号接待对象接待对象类型机构相关人员1Mitsubishi UFJ Securities证券公司李京华2GQG Partners其它Sudarshan Murthy3Mitsubishi UFJ Morgan Stanley Securities证券公司Lee Chiwoong4LyGH CAPTITAL其它Grace Lu


广联达机构调研历史明细调研日期公告日期接待机构数量接待方式接待人员接待地点调研三个月后涨跌幅(%)2019-09-202019-09-244特定对象调研董事会秘书助理 朱娜...广联达二期大厦621会议室 -2019-09-182019-09-203特定对象调研董事会秘书助理 朱娜...广联达二期大厦301会议室 -2019-09-122019-09-171特定对象调研董事会秘书助理 朱娜...广联达二期大厦511会议室 -2019-09-102019-09-122特定对象调研高级副总裁、董事会秘...广联达二期大厦424会议室 -2019-09-102019-09-122特定对象调研董事会秘书助理 朱娜...广联达二期大厦424会议室 -


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